Bringing Your
New Eckie Home
The long awaited day is finally drawing near. Soon it will be time to bring your new Eckie home. Our clients tell us they feel both elated and nervous. Some have waited a very long time for their new addition and are almost bursting with excitement and anticipation. Whether you are purchasing a baby or adopting an older Eckie, you want to make a good first impression and ensure you start your relationship off on the right foot.
Saying goodbye to everything they know
The most important thing to remember when you bring your Eckie home is that they may be very scared. They have left the comfort of their home and many are meeting their new family for the very first time. Some Eckies are lucky enough to live close to their new human flock, while others must travel great distances. Either way, it's new, it's scary, their carer or old family is nowhere to be found, their siblings are gone and they are all alone.
They have no way to communicate effectively and no one understands what they are saying. Some Eckies come from breeders or owners who understand their body language and know exactly what they want. They can communicate easily and know their every need will be met. They lived an idyllic life filled with love, friendship and routine. Now it is gone and they don't know how to cope. They are pining for their family, breeder and siblings and are don't understand why life has changed. I liken this transition to a young child being left alone in a foreign country. They don't know anyone, their parents are gone and they can't speak the language. The child would be terrified and our feathered kids are no different.

First impressions count
This may sound clichéd, but it's true. First impressions are lasting and you want your Eckie to know that you're someone they can trust. This is why it is so important to follow a few simple rules to help pave the way for a fantastic relationship.
The first week is going to be the hardest for both owner and Eckie. The owner wants nothing more than to snuggle their new kid and shower them with love, toys and all the goodies they have bought. The Eckie is overwhelmed by the change-their world has been turned upside down and they have no idea what to do, where they are or who to trust.

It is up to us as loving parents to put our own desires aside and do all we can to show our kids that we can be trusted and their forever home is going to be filled with love and happiness. To assist with this, we can prepare our family and friends for the new arrival so everyone understands what they must do during the settling-in period.

This is a short excerpt from our book 'The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots'. This chapter explains how to settle your Eckie into their new home. This is a critical time for both Eckie and owner. Follow our technique and you will be setting yourself up for success.
Included in this chapter:
- Keeping the children happy
- Selecting a primary carer
- Travel cages
- Preparing your Eckie's travel cage
- Airport pickup
- Using your Eckies name
- Why won't they eat?
- Feathered extroverts
- The all important routine
- And many more topics!